4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine (2C-B)
What is 2C-B?
2C-B is a synthetic drug often compared to MDMA but more psychedelic (a la LSD). It’s regarded as a mild entactogen (i.e., producing emotional openness) that also produces visual and auditory effects, including hallucinations.
It can be consumed orally, rectally, or snorted, and typically lasts 4-12 hours depending on dosage and means of consumption.
Is 2C-B Legal in Canada?
No. 2C-B is criminally prohibited under Schedule III of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. It can only be used legally in cases where Health Canada grants a s. 56 exemption request.
2C-B is scheduled as a criminally prohibited substance under Schedule III of the CDSA, along with certain other “2C-phenethylamines and their salts, derivatives, isomers and salts of derivatives and isomers.”
Medical or Therapeutic Use?
There is limited research regarding potential medical or therapeutic uses of 2C-B. Though “godfather of psychedelics” Alexander Shulgin, who first synthesized the compound, reportedly provided it to therapists, who found it helpful in getting patients to open up emotionally (MDMA has been used for this as well).
Some also claim 2C-B has aphrodisiac qualities, and it has been marketed for this purpose in the past.