LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)
What is LSD?
A synthetic powder derived from fungus, LSD’s psychedelic properties were accidentally discovered by Swiss chemist Albert Hofman in 1943 (see ‘bicycle day’).
Even a minuscule amount ingested by ‘tab’ (a small paper square with LSD powder on it) can induce a powerful psychedelic experience. The typical ‘trip’ lasts 8-10 hours, with users commonly experiencing enhanced pattern recognition and hallucinations, much like with psilocybin, but more intense and with less bodily effect.
You can find Canada’s webpage on LSD here.
Is LSD Legal in Canada?
No. LSD is illegal under Canadian federal criminal law. It can only be used legally in cases where Health Canada grants a s. 56 exemption request.
LSD was initially prohibited in Canada in 1968 when it was designated a controlled substance under the Food and Drugs Act. It is now prohibited under Schedule III of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
Medical or Therapeutic Use?
Medical studies suggest that, like psilocybin, LSD used under proper conditions may help individuals address psychological issues such as addiction, anxiety, and depression.