What is Ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew or tea made primarily from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the Psychotria viridis shrub, the latter of which contains the hallucinogenic compound DMT. Specific ingredients of each brew may, however, vary depending on the person or group responsible for preparation.
Used ritually for centuries by the Indigenous peoples of the Amazon, ayahuasca induces altered states of consciousness that typically last for 4-8 hours. Participants frequently report encounters with spiritual entities or reliving personal memories, leading to transformative psychological outcomes. The experience is also intensely physical; unpleasant vomiting (“purging”) and/or defecation is standard. Many even believe it is necessary.
Due to its potent effects and potential for psychological upheaval, ayahuasca sessions are generally conducted in controlled settings (i.e., ceremony) under the guidance of an experienced shaman or facilitator.
Is Ayahuasca Legal in Canada?
No, ayahuasca is illegal under Canadian federal law on account of its primary psychoactive ingredient DMT. Legal ayahuasca use is restricted to scenarios wherein Health Canada grants an exemption under section 56.
DMT was initially prohibited in Canada in 1968 when it was designated a controlled substance under the Food and Drugs Act. DMT is now prohibited under Schedule III of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. The Canadian government, however, permits ayahuasca use through s. 56 exemptions for qualifying ayahuasca churches (see also Religious Rights).
Medical or Therapeutic Use?
Medical studies and anecdotal evidence suggest ayahuasca, used under proper conditions, may be beneficial for persons struggling with addiction, anxiety, depression, and/or trauma.