Psychedelic Integration Coach Package
Psychedelic integration coaching (PIC) is the practice of helping a person integrate their psychedelic experiences for emotional and psychological benefit. It differs from the practice of psychedelic-assisted therapy in that the integration coach:
has no involvement with supplying or administering psychedelic dosage; and
is not present during, and does not participate in, the client’s psychedelic experience.
PIC has become popular in connection with renewed cultural interest in psychedelics’ medical and therapeutic potential, and many people report having positive experiences with PIC services. However, some PIC practitioners express concern about staying on the safe side of the law, and ensuring they’re protected against potential civil liability. Recognizing such concerns, we’re now offering the following legal services in a simple flat-fee package.
$800.00 (PLUS TAX)
This package includes a few simple elements to help psychedelic integration coaches operate responsibly while limiting exposure to criminal and civil liability.
It includes:
a one (1) hour legal counsel session covering risk reduction, compliance, and all other law-related questions and concerns;
a follow-up best practices document reflecting legal topics discussed in session;
a PIC services agreement tailored to the circumstances of one’s practice, with appropriate disclaimers and liability waiver provisions; and
website review.
Additional terms will apply. Book a consultation to learn more.