O. Reg. 30/18: General (under the Cannabis Control Act)
O. Reg. 327/18: Non-Application of Act to Certain Cannabis and Cannabis Products (under the Cannabis Control Act)
O. Reg. 468/18: General (under the Cannabis License Act)
Case Law
R. v. Parker, 2000 CanLII 5762 (ON CA) (Medical Cannabis)
Hitzig v. Canada, 2003 CanLII 30796 (ON CA) (Medical Cannabis)
P. (J.), R. V. (2003), 64 O.R. (3D) 764 (C.S.) (Medical Cannabis)
R. v. Long, 2007 ONCJ 340 (Medical Cannabis)
R. v. Kharaghani and Styrsky, 2011 ONSC 836 (Religious Cannabis Use)
R. v. Mernagh, 2013 ONCA 67 (Medical Cannabis)
See other Legislation, Regulations, and Case Law.