What is Kanna?
Scientifically known as Sceletium tortuosum, kanna is a plant that typically grows in South Africa. It contains the psychoactive alkaloids mesembrine, mesembrenone, mesembrenol, and tortuosamine. It is generally fermented and dried before being chewed, smoked, snuffed, or consumed as a tea or capsule.
Depending on dosage, kanna’s effects are described as calming or even euphoric. It was traditionally used “to quench…thirst, fight fatigue and for healing, social, and spiritual purposes” by the San and Khoi peoples of Africa.
The name “kanna” is derived from the Afrikaans word “kougued”, which means “something to chew”.
Is Kanna Legal in Canada?
Yes. Kanna, under its scientific name Sceletium tortuosum, is an approved natural health product ingredient regulated by Health Canada.
Medical or Therapeutic Use?
Some studies suggest that kanna may help relieve anxiety, reduce pain, combat depression, and increase cognitive function such as memory.
As kanna contains oxalates that are toxic in large quantities, it is important that it be properly fermented before consumption, as this degrades the oxalates.